Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was a success!!! We made tons of money off of the movie, and kids everywhere are loving it! I'm so glad people like it because it would be such a shame if we put three years into making that movie as perfect as we could, and then nobody liked it. We have all of Disneyland all planned out, and now all we have to do is actually start the construction on the land. I hope I'm still alive to take my family to the amusement park, I'm feeling kind of weak lately. I don't know how much longer I'm going to make it to be honest. On a brighter note, we're starting a live-action movie in a few days! It's called Treasure Island. I'm excited to start filming with real people in front of a camera, but at the same time I feel like the Disney brand is famous for cartoons, not for our gorgeous actors and actresses. We're an animation company, and I think that's how we should stay.
We finally finished our movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!!! It took us three years to get all of the final touches on it, but I think the time we took was well worth it. Our movie is going to be in theaters all around the United States next week, and then we'll finally get to know if all of my hard work paid off. In other good news, I'm starting construction on my amusement park! I've always wanted to have an amusement park that I could take my family to, I think it would be fun and an unique experience for them. I think I'm going to call it Disneyland.  Some people might say that's a little bit self-centered; naming an amusement park after myself, but I think it's perfectly fine. I mean, it was literally all my idea. Nobody else should be able to take credit for my work. I've got a meeting in about ten minutes to draw out some plans for Disneyland, so I guess I should go...
Today I got up and went to work where we finally started on our first movie! Since Mickey Mouse and our other shows are all such a success, we are going to make a movie called Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I think it is going take a while to complete this movie, and I hope it will be worth it in the end. After work, I came home to Lilly and my two daughters doing some chores around the house, so I had some of my friends come over. My friends and I rode around on the train that I had built around the property; we talked for a while about the amusement park that I want to open eventually. My goal is to have this movie done in five years, because I still don’t know how long I want to make it last or how successful it’s going to be.

    Interesting fact!!!

    Walt Disney had a train built around his house. He often had friends and family over and they would ride on the train together.
    "When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. And one thing it takes to accomplish something is courage." -Walt Disney

    Walt Disney  

    I guess I just run a really cool business.